Leading kids to new heights with Jesus!

Our Win

We win when we intentionally sow seeds of God's Word into the hearts of children through fun-filled crafts/activities, worship, kid-specific Bible lessons, and small groups.

Intentionally Sow Seeds

Now, we say “intentionally sow seeds” for a reason. It’s because the Bible is clear about spiritual growth. According to 1 Corinthians 3:6, some sow seeds, others water seeds, but it is ultimately God who brings growth to those seeds. Therefore, we recognize our role as a Kid’s Ministry is to be as intentional as possible during the 1hr 15minute time slot we have with kids. We do this through the weekly repetition of instilling memory verses and teaching kids about Biblical principles woven throughout the narrative of the Bible.

God's Word

We believe all teaching should find its source in the Bible, God’s written word for us. Our aim is not to help children become better behaved, but to become more Gospel literate. Just like we expect to learn about basketball when we sign-up to play on a basketball team, we too believe that kids should learn what the Bible has to say about Jesus and living for Him when they show up to church.


There are FIVE kinds of environments for kids in our ministry. Each one is designed to strategically invite kids and families on a journey into deeper relationships with their peers, our adult volunteers, and Jesus. Each one is designed with every kid in mind — the kids who’ve grown up in church and the first-time visitors too.

Weekly Programs

Our weekly programs happen every single week. They’re designed to help kids grow spiritually in four key areas:
  • Christ
  • Church
  • Connect
  • Community


Throughout the year, we’ll host several big events designed to help kids connect with each other, with their families, and with their small group leaders. Special events will often be the place where kids or families walk into our ministry for the very first time.

Small Groups

Small groups are the most important part of what we do. They happen every week in our programs and are designed to connect every kid with a consistent and trustworthy adult and community of their peers.

The safety of your child is a priority for our ministry. Here’s how we plan to care for and protect your child:

We Screen Volunteers

Before any volunteer is permitted to serve with us, they must regularly attend our church for 6 months, and undergo an application process, which includes a background check.

We Set Boundaries

We have set a number of guidelines for our children’s ministry staff and volunteers. As a parent, you can help us make sure your child is well-cared for by helping us maintain these:
  • No adult may ever be alone with kids.
  • Adults may never be in a bathroom alone with kids.
  • All rooms will have the proper ratios of trained adult volunteers.
  • All staff members and volunteers must maintain appropriate physical boundaries with kids at all times. Volunteers are trained in appropriate touch.

We Take Safety Seriously

Because we take the safety of your kids very seriously, and we screen and background check all the adults working with kids, we do not allow adults in the children’s ministry if they aren’t screened. If you want to be in the class with your child, see a member of our check-in team for a guest pass.

Wellness Policy

To help keep kids (and our volunteers) safe and healthy, kids will not be allowed to enter the children’s ministry if they have any of the following:
  • Fever of 100 degrees or greater (children must be fever-free without the use of medications for 24 hours prior to returning to a classroom), vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sore throat, rash, pink eye, or lice.

We Have Strict Pick-up and Drop-off Policies

Kids are under the care and supervision of their parents until they are checked in to our children’s ministry. We require all kids’ 6th grade and under to be checked in by a parent or guardian and escorted to their class by the parent or guardian. We encourage parents to make drop-off quick, even with younger kids who may have a hard time. Separation anxiety is normal (and healthy!) but if you want us to contact you after a certain amount of time, let the leader know.

Our Check-in and Check-out Policies are:

  • Kids must be checked in for services by parents, using our check-in system. When you check your kids in, you will get a claim sticker that matches your child’s.
  • You must show your sticker with a matching code to the volunteer in order to pick up your child.
  • A child may only be picked up by the parent/guardian who dropped them off.
  • If you lose your sticker, see a member of our check-in team and they can reprint you a new one.
  • If your child has a special need or medical issue or allergy that we need to know about, let the check-in team know when you sign your child in.

We Text Parents   

  • If we need to get ahold of you at any point during the service, we will text your mobile number directly from our check-in product called Planning Center.
  • We will text parents if children exhibit symptoms of illness, are crying inconsolably for more than 10 minutes, or if a child behaves in a violent manner.

Kid Heights is a peanut free space. The church as a whole is not. Due to the risk of allergies, we do not allow outside foods in the classrooms. If your child has a medical need or allergy, let the leader and a member of our check-in team know. We cannot administer any medications. When food and drink are used in our children’s ministry rooms, an allergy alert sign will be posted.

Have specific concerns? We're here to help!