Upcoming Outreach
The city of Longview has a 19.1% poverty rate. This is 11.2% higher than the state average. For our city, this means over 7200 residents are affected by poverty. We long to introduce Jesus to these neighborhoods, and we need your help!
This month we are doing another Food Drive. Our hope with collecting food is to create a food pantry outreach for these low-income families in our community. Starting in August we will be going to a couple intentional areas in Longview to pass out food and tell families about Jesus. This food pantry will be our first door to witnessing in low-income areas. If you desire to serve in this outreach, there are multiple ways to help.
1st is to bring food. We do ask that you stick to the items on the list. You can drop off food items at the Front Office, Mon-Thurs from noon to 4, or bring them to the next steps table.
2nd is by joining our outreach team. You can join online, through the app, or at the Next Steps table. This month our outreach team will canvass low income areas in hopes of locating where to have our first food pantry outreach.
3rd is to join us in prayer as we continue our outreach efforts in our community.